La B.M.P. Program service offre un servizio professionale di organizzazione e gestione test per vetture da rally, è in grado di concretizzare sessioni di test in diverse regioni del territorio italiano ed Europeo e su percorsi con caratteristiche differenziate per tipologia di fondo e guidabilità.
Propone soluzioni pronte alluso per svolgere test, pre-event e sviluppo tecnico e pneumatici.
Offre consulenza e ricerca finalizzata a soddisfare pretese specifiche o inedite in materia di percorsi e organizzazione logistica del team, dispone di personale qualificato e materiali efficienti, per garantire un servizio accurato e impeccabile sotto ogni punto di vista.
B.M.P. Program service offers professional service organization and management of test sessions for rally cars, automotive products presentations, sport-tourist tours and other happenings.
We are able to realize these events in numerous areas in Italy as well as in Europe; our routes cover the widest range of surfaces and drivability.
We offer turnkey solutions to perform tests, including pre-event and technical development of vehicles and tires. Our service include advices and researches to meet specific customers' requests on route characteristics and logistics; we utilize qualified trained personnel and state-of-the-art appliances to ensure accurate and flawless service in every respect.
Please enquiry with us (in English, French, or. Your language) and we will be more than happy to reply accordingly.
P.I. e C.F.: 02200570469